Voice Exchange Survey - Business Phones & Office Phone Systems St. Louis, MO | Metropark Communications Inc.

Voice Exchange Survey

MPVEX / Voice Exchange Survey

We are very proud of our MPVEX and very happy you are here. There is absolutely no obligation by filling out the form below.  We just need some basic information to work up the best system at the lowest price.

Let’s get started…

    Now, let's check the speed of your current Internet:

    Go to www.speedtest.net and click GO for the results.

    You are looking for these three numbers (Here is an example)

    Enter your test results here:

    If you're not impressed with your current speed or vendor, would you like us to provide Internet or redundant Internet options?

    Next, tell us about your current Phone System:

    Would you like to replace your fax machine with MPVEX Faxboxes?

    Next, let us know your Phone Type preferences:

    Your information is going here:

    Metropark Account Management

    • (314) 439-1900 option 2
    • sales@metropark.com