The industry average for the number of communication vendors for a small business is seven. That number climbs to seventeen for a medium size business with multiple locations and is incalculable for a distributed enterprise-size business. If you find yourself in the middle of a vendor blame game, you quickly realize that being a hot potato is no laughing matter.
Metropark’s VCP Program makes us responsible to get faster action and quicker fixes to insufferable issues. The telecom numbers and services are yours, but per our managed services agreement, we take on the day-to-day responsibility of keeping your services in tip-top shape.
If you’d like to add services, just let us know so we can engineer the best solution at the best prices. If you want to remove services from the VCP, a simple transfer form takes us out of the middle — but we believe it’s nice to have a knowledgeable team on your side for a change.
Below is our “ever-growing-changing” list of vendors that may provide products or services to your business. If you have a legacy vendor that will be managed by Metropark’s VCP team, simply enroll it into your VCP Account or your Metropark Sales Representative will list the new and legacy services in your VCP proposal. Some vendors are not very attentive to changes, so disconnecting old services and other legacy services still may need your input or action.
Telecom Providers
Product Manufacturers
Managed Services
Financial Services
With Metropark managing all of your communications vendors, you know that there is a team of experts on your side and ready to jump into action whenever issues pop up. Our customers agree that having Metropark be the one point of contact is a breath of fresh air. Phones, Networking, Security, and Networking all wrapped up into one monthly bill and one place to call. Amazing!!! Metropark’s Vendor Consolidation Program.
Metropark always welcomes experienced vendors (manufacturers, service providers, engineering, and installers):