Digium Switchvox Switchboard - Business Phones & Office Phone Systems St. Louis, MO | Metropark Communications Inc.

Digium Switchvox Switchboard

Digium Switchvox Switchboard

A Glance and a Click Is All It Takes! Drag-n-drop your calls, update your CRM, chat with co-workers, and more, with the intuitive power of the Switchboard.


Switchboard APP Integration
The Switchboard integrates seamlessly with popular 3rd-party applications: Salesforce.com Panel, Google Maps Panel, Custom Panels

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Switchboard Modular
Interface Switchboard is completely customizable for each extension. So your receptionist, your customer support rep, and your buyer can each have a different Switchboard to do their job better and faster.

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Switchboard Panels
These Panels put Switchvox’s features at your fingertips:Current Calls, Parking Lot, Caller Profile, Chat, Company Directory, and Queues

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Switchboard Phone Presence
One glance at the Switchboard shows you what your coworkers are up to. You can see whether they are on the phone, unavailable, or free to talk to you. And setting your own presence is easy; you can even log in and out of a queue and leave a note about when you’ll return.

See it in action: