MPVEX Star Codes - Business Phones & Office Phone Systems St. Louis, MO | Metropark Communications Inc.

MPVEX Star Codes

MPVEX Star Codes

Your Metropark Voice Exchange can be accessed from your deskphone, smartphone, tablet, and PC.  MPVEX was designed to allow you to “Untether” yourself from the office desk.  Where ever you go, you can have access to MPVEX.

With so many optional devices out there, we allow the MPVEX user to enjoy many of the PBX in the CLOUD features no matter what device they may be using.  To enhance your MPVEX functionallity, a common thread between all of your telephone access devices is a simplifed MPVEX Star Code list.  When on an MPVEX phone device which may not have any soft keys or buttons to push, use these codes to enhance your experience.




Enable Call ForwardTurn call forwarding on
Disable Call ForwardTurn call forwarding off
Toggle Call ForwardFlip call forwarding on or off
Update Call ForwardChange the number forwarding goes to
Park and RetrievePark and Retrieve a call. IE. Blind Transfer to *31 to Park. *31 to Retrieve
Valet ParkValet park a call. System will announce the parking slot number
Valet RetrieveRetrieve a Valet-parked call. *51 followed by slot number. IE. *5100
Check VoicemailCall *97 to check voicemail box
Direct to VoicemailSend call directly to voicemail. IE. Blind Transfer to **101
IntercomPlace an intercom call. *0 followed by the extension number. IE. *0101
Call Center LoginFrom deskphone or Nimbus enter *60 to login to MPVEX Call Center
Call Center ReadyOnce in Call Center enter *61 to become READY to receive queued calls
Call Center AwayStay logged into the Call Center, but mark yourself AWAY – stop calls
Call Center LogoutLog out of the MPVEX Call Center
PrivacyMake an anonymous call. *67 followed by the number. IE. *678005551212
Enable Hot DeskingAs a device user, log into a phone and take it over
Disable Hot DeskingAs a device user, log out of the hot-desked phone
Toggle Hot DeskingAs a device user, log in or log out of a phone (depending on current state)
Direct PickupPick up call ringing another user. *8 followed by ringing ext. I.E *8100
Dynamic Call RecordingWhile on a call press *1 to start a recording and *2 to stop a recording
*1 / *2

Some features like Call Recording have a monthly additional cost, but most features are standard and will just need to be enabled on your account, if not enabled already. 

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